Credits and Grading
Credits and Grading

As a student at Audencia, you will receive marks on your academic performance based on
  1. short tests given throughout the semester that test what you have learned on an ongoing basis; and
  2. final examinations, which are given at the end of each semester, usually before the winter break and the summer break.

All courses in France are graded on a scale of 0 to 20, with 0 being the worst and 20 being the best. The minimum passing mark is 10/20.

    If you receive a mark greater than 10, you will receive full credit for the course.
    If you receive a mark less than 10, you will not receive credit for the course.

Please note that a mark above 14 is considered to be very good in France and marks over 14 are rarely given. A mark above 12 generally means you are among the top 10 to 20 per cent. A perfect "20" is extremely rare!
Exchange students should please check with your home university to find out how grades will be converted into your home transcript system.